
Plague Inc. Black Death Scenario Mega-Brutal(3 Biohazard) Guide & Walkthrough

The Black Death scenario in Plague Inc. simulates the spread of one the deadliest plagues that took the lives of millions of people. There is a link at the scenario description that leads you to a wiki page that describes what the black death is, and how horrible it truly was. In this scenario, an unlucky person is once again infected by this bacteria(?) in today's world where there are tons of medicine that could quickly counter your plague.

I can't take full credit for the guide I'm about to post since I've only made a few changes to a guide made by an anonymous wikia contributer(link here).

The main key to this strategy are symptoms. We'll evolve every symptom possible and spread the plague through transmissions and resistances. In order to get a 3 biohazard score in mega-brutal, you'll have to finish within about 350-360 days with a cure completion of less than 60%. Obviously this isn't easy to do, I've spent days experimenting on evolution orders just to do this, lucky enough I've found a guy who has made a guide for brutal difficulty that worked extremely well for mega-brutal, with a few changes of course.

There are several factors that could hinder you from getting those 3 golden biohazards. The first mention should definitely be Genetic Shifts, increase in DNA costs could mess things up so bad. Second, Random events such as Charity events and events that speed up cure progression could also affect your success rate. We need the cure progression to be below 60% and finish at less than 360 days. Lastly, mutations, these could either make or break your game. Mutate a lethal symptom to early and you'll see countries quickly closing their point-of-entries and speeding up the cure completion.

Now let's start. First off, the gene setup:

  • Catalytic Switch
  • Suppression
  • Sympto-Stasis
  • Genetic Mimic
  • Extremophile
TIP: Evolve as soon as you can. Once you get the DNA, evolve immediately. This is because we want to avoid Genetic Shifts from increasing DNA costs. Also, let the plague mutate freely, this will save you some much needed DNA points.

1.) Start in China

2.) Evolve the following symptoms, transmissions, and abilities in this order:
  • Cysts
  • Flea 2
  • Skin Lesions
  • Rodent 1
3.) At this point, evolve the ability Pneumonic Plague, then evolve as follows:
  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Drug Resistance
  • Livestock 1
  • Bird 1
  • Cold Resistance 1
  • Water 1
4.) Time to evolve Septemic Plague, then start evolving these in this order:
  • Abscesses
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Pulmonary Oedema
  • Haemoptysis
  • Heat Resistance 1
  • Drug Resistance 2
  • Air 1
5.) At this point, it would be best to slow down the cure. So evolve Genetic Re-Shuffle and Drug Resistance 3. Continue evolving:
  • Cold Resistance 2
  • Heat Resistance 2
  • Environmental Hardening
  • Blood 1
6.) We'll be focusing on symptoms at this point. 
  • Diarrhoea
  • Dysentery
  • Hypotension
  • Hemorrhagic Shock
  • Total Organ Failure
  • Hyper Sensitivity
  • Inflammation
  • Seizures
  • Paralysis
  • Evolve every remaining symptom. Prioritize lethal ones first.
7.) DNA in this point of the game is best used to evolve Genetic Re-Shuffles.

That's all there is to it. I don't guarantee a 100% success rate with this guide, it's at 50% at most I guess. Out of the 4 games I played, 2 of them successfully finished with a 3 biohazard score. Again, you'll need to finish within 360 days and have the cure completion below 60% to attain a 3 biohazard score. 

If you're like me and failed a lot of times trying to get a 3 biohazard score in this scenario, trying a strategy like this one for 5 times or more shouldn't be too much. Getting a 3 biohazard score in this scenario is not easy.


Chose to post this guide since it has been working for a number of people. Thanks to Tim for sharing his guide at the comments section!

Finally got 3 Bios--cure completion was 61% but I finished in 346 days for a score of 65237.
My gene setup:
ATP Boost (quick start)
Aquacyte (for the islands)
Genetic Mimic
Urbophile (for a quick start in China)
Note: If you get the awareness day early on, I'd just restart. You'll never get a low enough cure %. Even so, it takes a lot of luck to avoid a fast cure and get all the islands.
1.) Evolve Skin Lesions, then start in China
2.) Evolve Cysts, Hyper Sensitivity, Flea 2, Rash, Sweating, Rodent 1, Livestock 1, and then Bird 1
3.) Switch to Abilities. Evolve Cold 1, Heat 1, Drug 1, Cold 2, Heat 2, and Drug 2.
4.) Evolve Genetic Hardening 1 once the cure starts to take off (less than a year left)
5.) Evolve Pneumonic Plague and the following symptoms: Coughing, Sneezing, Pneumonia, Haemoptysis, Immune Suppression, and Paralysis
6.) Evolve Water 1 and 2 (this is where you pray for quick island infection)
7.) Evolve Environmental Hardening
8.) Evolve Septicemic Plague and the following symptoms: Abscesses, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea
9.) Evolve Blood 1
10.) Reduce your cure progress with Genetic Re-Shuffle 1 and Drug 3 (I put these off for later because they have more impact on cure %)
From here on out just evolve TOF and every other lethal symptom, saving enough DNA for Genetic Re-Shuffle 2. If necessary, de-evolve some of your transmissions or symptoms for extra DNA at the very end.
This isn't a perfect strategy but it's the only one that worked for me.


  1. Doesn't seem to work. At best I get 2 biohazards?

    1. Sadly, this guide doesn't ensure getting a 3 biohazard score every time. A lot of things affect your success such as mutations, genetic shifts, and random events. The best I could give you right now is keep trying.

      I'll do my best to get another strategy for this scenario as soon as I have the time.

    2. I have tried it literally 10 times and it still doesn't work. Fix it please ASAP

    3. I'm sorry this guide didn't work for you.

      I'll be sure to update this guide as soon as I can.

  2. failed many times always Madagascar survives pls fix.thanks

    1. Try having Water 2 as well. This guide doesn't include it and I find that having Water 2 is extremely helpful to getting to the islands that people generally miss because they close down ports early on.

  3. I've managed to get 3 biohazard, but it took me several tries to made it (around 20 times following this guide). First i notice how fast scientist discover my disease (below 50 persons i used to restart the game). Second is luck. Luck to get those islands to get infected quickly and to get the right mutations at the right time.
    I got 3 biohazard with 361 days and 42% of the cure researched (i got very good simptoms mutation and had enough DNA to evolve 3 genetic re-shuffle in the last part of the game).
    My advice: keep trying, if it doesn't work, play another plague and then come back to try again.
    (sorry for my english, but i'm not a native english speaker)

  4. This works perfect....EXCEPT for New Zealand. I don't know what is up with New Zealand, if there's some sort of glitch in my copy of this game, but no matter how early it gets infected, people are incredibly slow to infect there. Even with Drug resistance all the way to 2 or 3 and infectivity over double that of lethality, people there die faster than they infect.

    This also happens to me with other scenarios, like Nipah and Swine Flu. Does anyone else have this issue?

    1. Ever since I started playing scenarios, New Zealand has always been the hardest country to infect, Greenland wasn't even a problem anymore. You're right about everything, that country seems to have low infection rates even with both Drug Resistances. I'm not really sure if this is indeed a glitch but I've already had 3 biohazards on mega-brutal on all the plagues that you've mentioned(No sure strategy yet, though. I win with pure luck)

      I don't think you're the only one having trouble with that Hobbit/LOTR country

  5. This guide is missing just one step: Pray as hard as you can for Greenland/Caribbean/Madagasgar/New Zealand to get infected before they close down. Otherwise working guide.

  6. New Zealand shut down before I could infect it D:

  7. Played 47 times so far with this guide:
    26 times failed to infect all countries
    21 times got 2 biohazards

    I'm starting to think any 3 biohazard claims are lies.

    1. I got an additional 3 failed and 4 complete with 2 biohazards, but then on my 55th try, I got 3 biohazards! I noticed that it was one of the few tries in which New Zealand got infected earlier than normal.

  8. Sadly, still the same issue : greenland does not become infected and close its harbour too soon...

  9. Worked for me first time.

    371 days with 60% cure.

  10. Is there any way for you to improve it? It is way too hard

  11. Never mind, I got lucky and made it, Madagascar is what stops me the most.

  12. Hintandtip plague incJune 23, 2014 at 11:47 PM

    It has to be you lucky you need this bio weapon speed run

  13. With another strategy, because this didn't work so good, I got: 353 days and 53% cure, about 66.700 points and only 2 biohazard points :( what's wrong?

  14. That's weird. Usually, with a score of 65,000 or more, you'd get 3 biohazards.

  15. Just got it right now, hallelujah! 66,990 points, 351 days and 46% cure. I have tried over 50 times, with your guide and my own. I succed as I changed your guide a little, had Also bit luck with mutations.

    I had metabolic jump and than evolved the symptoms sooner. This bring more DNA at the beginning and let you be quicker. Than evolve severity before abilities. This got me the quantum I needed to get the 3 biohazard. I couldn't evolve every symptoms, but the lethal one and genetic hardenening 1+2. That was enough.

  16. Didnt have to complete to win, im just a boss

  17. But its on normal so im a douche

  18. Hi guys,

    I'm really sorry if this guide has a very low success rate. I'll do my best to improve it as soon as I have the time. Meanwhile, I invite everyone who's found a better strategy to post them here to help improve this guide.

    Also, remember to up-vote comments that have worked in your favor. Not just to thank the poster, but to also help other people. Thanks!

  19. Almost beat it using this guide but then New Zealand bombed all infected cities and I was defeated lol. So close

  20. Worked after so many tries. I change a bit the beginning of the game... I evolved these symptoms to increase the transmission: Rash, Sweating, Skin Lesion, Cysts, Hyper Sensitivity, Coughing, Sneezing, Pneumonia, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea... An I used the transmisions from the guide. I got 303 Days and 41% cure.

  21. @AllHailSpicy
    Hi, I have beaten black death scenario with 3 biohazards 2/2 times using a small modification of your tactics. I won't guarantee for other's success but i hope my tips would work.

    Immediately restart the game if:
    1. You got the airplane/ ship sterilization early on. This will definitely break your game
    2. If your disease is found when the infected is below 50

    Genetic Code:
    1. Metabolic Jump. ATP boost gave too little dna throughout the game, while cure planes often triggered too late into the game for catalytic switch to be effective.
    2. Genetic Hardening
    3. Suppression. suppression allows disease to infect countries from/to countries with closed land border.
    4. Urbophile. It gives infection boost to China (starting country) as well as countries with many traveling such as UK and US (especially UK, since I always infect UK before i get any drug resistance).
    5. Sympto-Stasis

    Start in China, and remember to always evolve when you have the dna for it

    From this point, I do everything AllHailSpicy wrote except:

    1.After evolving coughing and sneezing, I evolve transmissions [water1 -> air1 -> livestock1 and bird 1 (order doesnt matter, preferably bird1 first though)] then resistances [cold1 -> drug1 -> cold2 -> gene hardening1 -> drug2 -> heat1 (cold res is more important than drug res since you want russia to quickly infect greenland and iceland)]. After done getting those, now you can evolve septemic plague

    2.Evolve hypotension as soon as it is available. It slows down research speed (at least from what i see). Abscesses is not neccessary

    3. try to get gene reshuffle and drug res3, then hardened reshuffle1 before septemic plague.

    4. Evolve blood1 after Haemoptysis. Keep in mind that sometimes it is unneccessary to rush it.

    5. Total organ failure is more important than diarrhoea + dysentry. After TOF, get hermohagic shock.

    The key is to balance the speed of cure and the rate of death. While experimenting, It is either the cure is too fast or the death is too slow that causes me to lose. It takes practice before you can get the feel (or hang) of it.

    That all that i can say. Good luck, you need those.

  22. dude youre amazing!!, after trying like 20 times, i did the symptoms first and i won 355 days and 43% cure

  23. I'm trying so hard to complete this scenario with three stars but no matter what I do, I always fail because of some random event or for being two slow by one or two months. Has anybody had more luck? Have tried three different base strategies with modifications and the best I've got was 56000 points.

  24. Finally got 3 Bios--cure completion was 61% but I finished in 346 days for a score of 65237.

    My gene setup:

    ATP Boost (quick start)
    Aquacyte (for the islands)
    Genetic Mimic
    Urbophile (for a quick start in China)

    Note: If you get the awareness day early on, I'd just restart. You'll never get a low enough cure %. Even so, it takes a lot of luck to avoid a fast cure and get all the islands.

    1.) Evolve Skin Lesions, then start in China
    2.) Evolve Cysts, Hyper Sensitivity, Flea 2, Rash, Sweating, Rodent 1, Livestock 1, and then Bird 1
    3.) Switch to Abilities. Evolve Cold 1, Heat 1, Drug 1, Cold 2, Heat 2, and Drug 2.
    4.) Evolve Genetic Hardening 1 once the cure starts to take off (less than a year left)
    5.) Evolve Pneumonic Plague and the following symptoms: Coughing, Sneezing, Pneumonia, Haemoptysis, Immune Suppression, and Paralysis
    6.) Evolve Water 1 and 2 (this is where you pray for quick island infection)
    7.) Evolve Environmental Hardening
    8.) Evolve Septicemic Plague and the following symptoms: Abscesses, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea
    9.) Evolve Blood 1
    10.) Reduce your cure progress with Genetic Re-Shuffle 1 and Drug 3 (I put these off for later because they have more impact on cure %)

    From here on out just evolve TOF and every other lethal symptom, saving enough DNA for Genetic Re-Shuffle 2. If necessary, de-evolve some of your transmissions or symptoms for extra DNA at the very end.

    This isn't a perfect strategy but it's the only one that worked for me.

  25. I haven't won with your starting gene set up but I changed it a little and followed your evolution path and won 3 out of 5 times with 3 biohazards (twice did not manage to infect some islands due to Total Organ Failure evolving too fast). Genes I used: ATP boost, Suppression, Sympto-static, Genetic Mimic, Urbophile. Evolve Skin Lesions first, then start in China, evolve Flea2, Cysts and then follow the above mutation order (as per original post). Hope it works for others too.

  26. The first time I tried this, Greenland didn't get infected, but the second time I won with 3 biohazards, 29% cure completion, and in 347 days for a score of 71320

  27. Thank you for sharing! It worked on first try for me while I failed at least 10 times in a row with the posted strategy (not that I'm complaining, I've probably been unlucky with islands, and this blog is excellent - just giving my feedback)

  28. I killed everyone in 356 days. Cure was 55% complete. Only 2 biohazards. WTF!

  29. 65455. Juuuuuuuust enough. Thanks!

  30. None of the guides posted here seem to award a 3-biohazard score for this scenario on Plague Inc. Evolved (using Brutal difficulty), despite multiple tries with each of them. Are there other strategies for it or am I just unusually unlucky?

  31. 73498. That was a perfect strategy. Thanks!

  32. This scenario is indeed very hard to get 3 Bio-score. My guide basically some luck, just like everyone's guides. I got it within my second try so yeah it's worth a shot trying out my guide =D

    Just like everyone else. if you got awareness day too early on, just restart.
    If you are lucky and got "extreme bird migration" event, you should evolve Bird 1 and 2 as quickly as possible.

    Gene setup
    -ATP Boost
    -Genetic mimic

    1. Evolve Skin Lesions, then start in China.
    2. Evolve Cysts, Hyper sensitivity, Rash, Sweating

    Around this point your plague should be spotted.

    3. Evolve Rodent 1, Bird 1, Livestock 1.
    4. Evolve Pneumonic plague.
    5. Evolve Coughing, Sneezing, Pneumonia, Pulmonary Oedema, Haemoptysis, Water 1

    Around this point your plague should be placed on Watchlist.

    6. Evolve Drug 1, Cold 1, Heat 1, Drug 2, Cold 2, Heat 2, Environmental Hardening.

    Your plague at this point should be spreading like crazy.

    7. Evolve Water 2.
    8. Evolve Septicemic plague.
    9. Evolve Blood 1, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhoea, Abscesses.

    At this point, if you can get Total Organ Failure mutated, and Greenland, Iceland, Carribbean, Madagascar and New Zealand infected, it's probably a guaranteed 3 Bio-score.

    10. Evolve Seizures, Hypotension.
    11. Evolve Genetic ReShuffle 1, Drug Resistance 3.
    12. Evolve Total Organ Failure(if you haven't gotten this via mutation), Hemorrhagic Shock.

    At this point you have 2 choices:
    1. Evolve all other symptoms and save JUST enough DNA points for 1 Genetic ReShuffle.
    2. Evolve Dysentery and/or Internal Hemorrhaging, then all DNA points dumped into Genetic Reshuffle. Other symptoms is left to freely mutate.

    13. GG!

    Again my guide requires some luck, like mutating TOF at the right time, and all islands are infected to get the pretty 3 Bio-score. Good luck! =D

  33. This actually helped me a LOT.By managing the random events while also using your strategy earned me 5 Biohazards after so long with 45% Cure Completion in 338 DAYS.Thank you maaaan!!!!

  34. Np =D glad to help, do vote up my guide so that people here can use this guide =D

  35. Popped it the first time with 40% cure completion in 340 days, my previous best was 355 days and 55% cure rate, not enough for three, but this did it, keep it spicy...

  36. Bravo my friend. 331 days at 60%. 68343

  37. Every time Madagascar gets me

  38. Madagascar is not getting infected

  39. This strategy for also did not infect madagascar :(

  40. YEEEEEEES! I failed a lot of times, but eventually it worked!

  41. I finished the game with 57% cure, 359 days and i envolved every singel symtom. Still only 2 biohazard :\

  42. This is a great strategy!
    I just finished it with 2 biohazards but only because RIGHT BEFORE THE DAMN END THEY MANIPULATED MY GENES. +6%.

  43. I got 354 days with 57% on cure and I still get 2 biohazards score. You sure it's under 360 days, not under 350 days?

  44. EXACT same thing happened to me! Just give up and die, humans!

  45. This guide seemed to work, but I still only got 2 biohazards (55% and 377 days). Same as Spicy's guide; only 2 biohazards. Darn, need to try again...

  46. Can't get three bios. Again only 2 bios, even with 355 days and 54% cure. Score 64,918. Probably need 65,000. Let's try again, for the zillionth time. :(

  47. 355d/55% and still only 2 biohazards :(

  48. This guide works effing good. Got 3 biohazard on the second attempt. Thank you a lot.

  49. Lee-Sah Helps-McPhersonJuly 13, 2015 at 2:59 PM

    I finished with three and they manipulated at the end. I got 64% cure and 331 days :)
