
Plague Inc.[Submitted Guide] Parasite Casual/Normal Guide

This guide, built mainly for casual or normal difficulty, has been submitted by Luke Hester. 

If possible, please provide comments about the guide so the original author can improve his work.

Spicy's comments: Haven't fully tested this guide yet since I'm preoccupied with other guides. I think I've somehow neglected posting guides about anything below brutal difficulty.
Hi, this will be a guide on how to successfully complete the parasite level on casual or normal.

Step 1: Start in India
Step 2:get these transmissions:
Rodent 1
Bird 1 & 2
Livestock 1
Step 3: Get these abilities.
Symbiosis 1-3
Step 4: Get all Rodent, Livestock, Bird, and Extreme Zoonosis transmissions.
Step 5: If ANY symptoms mutate devolve them. Wait for the whole world to be infected.
Step 6: Get cold 1 & 2 abilities.
Step 7: Get these symptoms:
Pulmonary Fibrosis
Total Organ Failure
Step 8: Sit back and wait for it to say VICTORY!!!

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