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I started this game off with the hopes of soloing the offlane, or atleast be supported by a partner, but because I am a 2.5k Party MMR player in the 3k bracket, A Mirana came to the lane and tried to compete with last-hitting with me, I was getting most of the last hits, though. But because of our failed attempt to kill the enemy Lion, I was forced to just go jungle.
Went for a Radiance as my first item so I could just run around and damage stuff even when being kited. I was supposed to get a Blink Dagger or some movement stuff, but because there was a Magnus and a Vengeful Spirit, both of whom have reliable stuns, I just went for damage and defensive items.
Itemization was okay, I guess? I didn't bother escaping when caught out of position as I had nothing but brown boots. I went with Blade Mail as the second item, because the enemy team had mostly right-click heroes, I want them to regret hitting me.
Any tips for me to improve my game? Insults, maybe? Comment them below!
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