
Plague Inc. Neurax Worm Brutal Guide / Walkthrough

The Neurax Worm is a special plague type bought as an in-app purchase. I'm not certain how much it costs but if I recall correctly I bought Neurax Worm, Necroa Virus, and the scenario package for $2. It's worth the money since there are a lot of scenarios. As of the moment, there are only 2 special plagues available. I hope Ndemic Creations releases brand new ones soon.

Unlike the basic plague types(e.g. Bacteria, Virus, etc.), the Neurax Worm has unique transmissions, symptoms, and abilities. The available symptoms are completely new and work differently compared to the basic plagues.

Another brand new feature unique to the Neurax Worm is the trojan planes. Basically, you drag plans to other countries to infect them with your plague. No more problems with Greenland, Iceland, and Madagascar closing down their harbors right?

The strategy I'm using needs patience because it takes quite a long while to infect every country. It takes long because we only going to evolve one transmission. Why? Because Neurax Worms' available transmissions all increase severity, which alerts other countries of our plague and makes them start making a cure.

The key symptom for our strategy is Transcendence. I could explain what it does but it's much better if you see it for yourself.

Before you start, there's a tips I want to give you:

  1. Focus on sending trojan planes to these three countries first, Iceland, Greenland, and Madagascar
  2. After those three are infected, proceed to send trojan planes to uninfected countries
  3. Once every country is infected, It's a good idea to send trojan planes to countries which aren't colored orange yet
Let's start then.

Gene setup:
Metabolic Jump
Genetic Mimic

1.) Start your Neurax Worm in India

2.) Evolve the following:
  • Concertina Locomotion
  • Neural Breach
  • Cerebral Tendrils
  • Frontal Mesh
  • Adrenergic Constriction
  • Anxiolytic Infusion
  • Psychosis
3.) Confusing symptom names right? Anyway, proceed to evolving these abilities:
  • Cold, Heat, and Drug Resistance 1&2
  • Environmental Hardening
4.) Wait for the entire world to get infected. This should take awhile, remember the tips I stated above. When you get the pop-up saying something like no one is left healthy. Proceed to evolving these symptoms:
  • Adoration
  • Devotion
  • Transcendence
After evolving the final symptom, you get some pop-ups then Congratulations! you enslaved humanity!

These were my stats at the end of my game:
1025 days
0% Cure Completion
5/5 Biohazard

As you see, this strategy finishes at 0% Cure completion. Amazing right? I hope you finished with zero as well. If you got any other tips or strategies or maybe just want to thank me, Comment below. I'll include the good tips and strategies along with this guide when I see one. Happy gaming!


  1. thank you for all your guides, they are all amazing! The time and effort is appreciated!

  2. Thanks a lot! I'm wondering though, when do I get Trojan planes? Or do I never research it?

  3. Good one:
    846 days
    0% cure
    4/5 biohazard

  4. does not seem to work anymore, follow it exactly and they have gotten cure to 100% every time. the severity and lethality stay at 0, but they cure it anyway

  5. Trojan planes will pop up anyway, but not as often as with the ability. But later on it's still more than enough.

  6. I was able to infect everyone and evolve to transcendence. Many countries were said to worship the worm, but I'm not sure if it said all of them. I never got the message that it enslaved humanity, It worked for me before, but not this time on brutal. Weird.


  8. Gene setup:
    Metabolic Jump
    Genetic Mimic

    1.) Start your Neurax Worm in Saudi Arabia

    2.) Evolve the following symptom + Transmission (Follow from top to bottom by sequence ):
    • Concertina Locomotion [Transmission]
    • Neural Breach
    • Cerebral Tendrils
    • Frontal Mesh
    • Undulatory locomotion [Transmission]
    • Perceptive jolt
    • Occipital mesh

    • Genetic Swap

    • Corpse Feeder 1
    • Corpse Feeder 2
    • Mutative Regeneration 1
    • Air 1, Water 1 [Transmission]

    3.) Then proceed to evolving these abilities:
    • Cold 1 & 2 and Drug Resistance 1
    4) Evolving these Symptom as usual for Phase 2 (Follow from top to bottom by sequence ) :
    Perceptive Shift
    5)No need to wait for the entire world to get infected. Evolving these transmission as usual:
    Air 2 & Water 2
    6) Again , no need to wait for the entire world to get infected.Evolving these Symptom for phase 3 (Follow from top to bottom by sequence ) :
    Cognitive Scrambling

    After evolving the final symptom, you get some pop-ups then Congratulations! you enslaved humanity!

  9. Gene setup:
    Metabolic Jump
    Genetic Mimic

    1.) Start your Neurax Worm in Saudi Arabia

    2.) Evolve the following symptom + Transmission (Follow from top to bottom by sequence ):
    • Concertina Locomotion [Transmission]
    • Neural Breach
    • Cerebral Tendrils
    • Frontal Mesh
    • Undulatory locomotion [Transmission]
    • Perceptive jolt
    • Occipital mesh

    • Genetic Swap

    • Corpse Feeder 1
    • Corpse Feeder 2
    • Mutative Regeneration 1
    • Air 1, Water 1 [Transmission]

    3.) Then proceed to evolving these abilities:
    • Cold 1 & 2 and Drug Resistance 1
    4) Evolving these Symptom as usual for Phase 2 (Follow from top to bottom by sequence ) :
    • Perceptive Shift
    • Immaturity
    • Mania
    • Obsession
    • Aggression
    • Insanity
    5)No need to wait for the entire world to get infected. Evolving these transmission as usual:
    • Air 2 & Water 2
    6) Again , no need to wait for the entire world to get infected.Evolving these Symptom for phase 3 (Follow from top to bottom by sequence ) :
    • Cognitive Scrambling

    After evolving the final symptom, you get some pop-ups then Congratulations! you enslaved humanity!

  10. Bogus. Doesn't work. Followed to a T

  11. I've followed this exactly. Everyone is infected, no work on the cure is being done, but it's just sitting there. It's now 2022 and I still haven't gotten the enslaved pop up though from what I can see most countries now worship it...

  12. This one worked :)

  13. I tried this, followed it exactly, and it didn't work! Every single person on the planet is infected, I've evolved Transendence, and nothing is happening. It's been a year (now 2019), and I'm wondering, what gives?

  14. This one worked really well- it only took me 500 days! Cure progress was only 39% complete and I got a score of 41,700 and 4/5 biohazards! Thanks a bunch!

  15. Sometimes that just happens, first time i tried same thing. But secind time worked fine. Must be a bug in the game or something...

  16. Neurax worm isn't required to be purchased - you only need to beat Bio-Weapon in brutal to get it.
    Necroa virus is not required to be purchased either.

    Nor is the Simian Flu

  17. woww!! thanks it's works for me

  18. Alex van der MerweApril 22, 2015 at 4:06 AM

    No it does not work I have done exactly as the guide indicated everyone has been infected and 5 years after that only a few countries worship the worm :l

  19. You see this huh ! :D
