A Game That Is Somewhat Overrated
Above: A Clash of Clan Gamers Base
First of all what the game does do right is it does bring a somewhat suprising level of strategy on a usually dull genre.Things such as wizard towers and potions bring a usually good level of depth in the game. The bad news of this is that some of the units are overpowered/underpowered or broken.
Secondly I would not recommend to try to buy gems to get to the top of the leaderboard as it is currently impossible to get that unless you spend up to $1000 dollars per month or more to my knowledge. There is also many ways (unfair) in which players get unto the top of the leaderboard so
it becomes almost impossible to climb to the top of the leaderboard without buying massive amounts of gems and using machines to keep you online as long as possible. A good video that analyzes this is the video below and will tell a history of the #1 leaderboard position players.
Above: Video that analyzes that #1 position and cheating in Clash of Clans
Thirdly, it is almost impossible to level up in any timely matter without buying gems to speed up progress or to buy builder huts. This is the main reason that I play Clash of Clans as more of a screensaver than a actual strategy game. It is possible to play without trying to win but it is disappointing to view the leaderboard and knowing you can not in actuality move up on the leaderboard. It removes some of the fun of playing Clash of Clans.
Fourthly remember that you do not have to buy anything and it is a pretty fun game. It does not live up to games such as Plague Inc and Bioshock but it is a somewhat fun app to add to your collection. I would personally recommend getting it due to the simple fact it is free and somewhat fun as a form of a screensaver and simple strategy game.
I would like to remember that I do not think the company Supercell would of made Clash of Clans so popular unless it operated using the "freemium" system.
Overall: A Fun game but the freemium style of play dampens the fun of it compared to a alternate system that could of been a simple $0.99 dollar payment.