
Plague Inc. Evolved Guides

Here's a list of guides the Yo It's Spicy team has written, along with submitted guides from our readers, for the disease-spread-simulation game for PC, Plague Inc.: Evolved. It is available now on steam, but if you prefer the mobile version more, we have a lot of guides for that, too--Click here for guides on Plague Inc[Mobile Version].

Guides by the Yo It's Spicy team

Basic Plagues
  • None..yet. Join our team now and help make guides for Plague Inc. Evolved!
Special Plagues
  • --

Submitted Guides

These guides have been written and submitted by our amazing readers! Check them all out and maybe submit one yourself!

1 comment:

  1. Hmm. I won everything in plague inc evolved on mega brutal except necroa virus and the simian flu. (Without guides) (ok i won the fungus with guide).
    Then I *read in past simple* your bacteria guide and tried it out on parasite. Fully worked
