
Plague Inc. Guides and Walkthroughs

Plague inc. is game made by Ndemic Creations and is available on the Appstore and Google play. It is a simulation game about spreading diseases that aim to destroy and eradicate humans.

Follow Ndemic Creations on Facebook and Twitter for more updates on the game!

The game itself is very addicting. The main objective, of course, is to spread a plague that destroys civilization and causing a multitude of problems for every country infected. You start with 1 plague type and transition your way to 8 others by finishing each one in normal difficulty.

But it does not stop there, you could also play different scenarios. For example, spreading the Black Death throughout modern civilization. Achievements that can be unlocked are also available, but in no way easy to achieve.

I could go on and on about how awesome this game is, but it is better if you check it out for yourself.
Now, for everyone who already has this game and has problems with unlocking plague types, achievements, or scenarios. Here's a list of guides I personally made by playing the game and browsing through several forums and websites.

Important Note: These guides were made by playing the mobile version of Plague Inc--the iOS version to be specific. These guides may or may not work for the PC version, Plague Inc.:Evolved. Check out the submitted and team-made guides on Plague Inc. Evolved Here!

USE THE CTRL+F or the Find function of your browser to be able to easily find the guide you want. If it's not here, it's probably being worked on. Be Patient.

Guides by Spicy:

a compilation of guides made by Spicy and the Yo It's Spicy team!

*These plagues are either bought(Neurax Worm and Necroa Virus) or unlocked once you finish the 7 basic plague types on brutal difficulty.
Guides by the Team

All guides listed here are currently for Mega-Brutal difficulty. Guides are aimed towards getting 3 biohazards in the listed scenario.

Cheat Modes:

*As of the 1.8.1 update, rather than being a type of plague, they have been changed into modes that can be activated on any plague type or scenario.
  • Immune Strain
  • Hidden Strain
  • Unlimited Strain
Here's a basic strategy guide and some background on the three Cheat modes, Immune, Hidden, and Unlimited.
Click Here (This is out-dated since a new update has been released)

Guides by the Team

Miscellaneous Guides

Guides are still under development. I will post more once they're done. Those without links are still being made. If you have some tips I could use send me an email.

Submitted Guides

Guides that have been submitted by our readers or written by other authors. Check them out if the guide you're looking for isn't listed above.

Basic Plagues

Special Plagues



Miscellaneous Guides

Speed Run Guides