This plague just became harder than it should be, I've played a lot of games and got so fed up that I didn't want to play it anymore. My strategy works, but not every time. There's just too many factors affecting your overall success in this game, not just the events, but also the random country infections from spore abilities. You can't really rely on air and water transmissions as well, even having extreme bioaerosol won't make it any easier for ships to just coast to Greenland or Madagascar.
I'm sorry if this guide doesn't work for you, just go try again or something. Experiment with it, or better yet, come up with a super awesome guide and share it with me please!
Okay enough words, let's get on with this (very bad) guide:
- ATP Boost - Because 8 DNA right at the beginning
- Teracyte - Seems to be much more useful than Aquacyte, in my opinion, Bird transmissions are cheap on fungus and this gene further boosts it.
- Patho-Stasis - Spore abilities, enough said.
- Darwinist - Symptoms will be very expensive, might as well count on mutations to save some DNA.
- Extremophile - You will never know which countries you'll infect with spores.
1.) Before starting your plague, evolve Rash and Sweating.
2.) Start in China, then immediately evolve every single spore ability:
- What I usually do is evolve every single Spore Burst first, then evolving the two Spore Eruptions, and finally Spore Hardening.
3.) After bubble-popping, continue by evolving the following in this order:
- Skin Lesions
- Drug Resistance 1
- Cold Resistance 2
- Bird 1 & 2
- Either Insect 1 or Water 1(Just pick one, I usually go for water if the ship sanitation event pops-up)
- Necrosis
By this point, your Fungus should have already been detected, various events will destroy your chances of winning. Just saying. Prepare to get frustrated.
4.) After Necrosis, continue by evolving the following in this order:
- Livestock 1 & 2
- Drug Resistance 2
- Cold Resistance 2
- Coughing**
- Pneumonia**
- Pulmonary Fibrosis**
- Total Organ Failure
**Evolve these symptoms only if necessary, if there's a path much closer to Total Organ Failure, take it.
5.) Just a tip, you might want to devolve lethal symptoms that mutate like Hemorrhagic Shock, Systemic Infection, or Tumours. When you combine these with Total Organ Failure, the kill rate just becomes too fast. Continue by evolving the following(in no particular order):
- Rat 1
- Blood 1
- Water 1/Insect 1(Evolve whichever you didn't choose on Step 3)
- Air 1
- Heat Resistance 1 & 2
- Environmental Hardening
- Coma
- Hemorrhagic Shock
6.) This is actually the point in the game where you'll know if you're going to fail or not. If a lot of Island countries are still healthy, there's a very huge possibility that you will fail. Sorry, bro. But if you're lucky enough to have every single country infected at this point. Good Job!
You could always hope and pray that a ship will save your ass and infect an island country, maybe even hope for a non-human infection pop-up. Low probability of the latter happening, though.
At this point you could do either of these two things, if you believe you're in the path of winning--be positive!:
- Evolve more lethal symptoms, specifically: Internal Haemorrhaging, Systemic Infection, and Tumours.
- Or choose to lower the cure progression instead by evolving every single Genetic Re-Shuffle
If all goes well in your game, and the RNG Gods have blessed you with decent spore-infected countries, you'll be able to finish the game with a 3~4 Biohazard score. Don't count on this guide giving you 5, I've never had a 5-biohazard finish using this guide. Sorry!
Anyway, Thanks for reading and I hope this guide has somehow helped you conquer Fungus on mega-brutal difficulty. I seriously hope it does. I had very little confidence with this guide that I didn't even bother taking screenshots of the games I've done.
RNG Gods please make this guide work for the people reading it. PLEASE. Happy Spicy Gaming, everyone!