
Plague Inc. Necroa Virus Brutal Guide/ Walkthrough

The Necroa Virus is a special plague type available through in-app purchases in Plague Inc. It's one of the best plagues, in my opinion, since it lets you simulate a zombie apocalypse.

Necroa Virus has a completely different transmission, symptom, and ability tree compared to the basic plague types. One particular ability lets you gather a horde of zombies and send them to neighboring countries. This becomes amazingly useful if you find yourself having a hard time infecting island countries such as Greenland and Madagascar.

Although this plague lets you simulate a zombie apocalypse, you do not start a game with a walking dead. Instead, the plague starts out as a virus and lets you evolve a symptom that turns humans into cannibalistic monsters.

There many different strategies that you can do to beat Necroa Virus. Many strategies utilize the availability of zombies since these "things" are immune to the cure made by the world. They may be immune to the cure but the world will still fight against them through Z-Com. Z-Com is an anti-zombie organization that automatically sets a base in a country to fight off zombie hordes.

The strategy I will be using will utilize the living dead. My strategy is geared towards infecting every country possible before a symptom is mutated. I do this because using the Necroa Virus' ability to move zombie hordes doesn't really appeal to me. I only tend to use it on emergency situations.

In case you haven't noticed yet, one gene has been replaced by a Necroa Virus exclusive gene. Like other genes, they are unlocked by beating plague types, in this case Necroa Virus. Assuming you just started playing Necroa Virus I will not be using these exclusive genes. If you're itching to start then read on.

My gene setup:
Metabolic Hijack
N/A(This slot is for the Necroa-Virus exclusive genes, use one if you want)

1.) Start in China

2.) Evolve the following as soon as you have the DNA to do so:

  • Saliva 1 and 2
  • Water 1 and 2
  • Drug Resistance 1 and 2
3.) This part requires you to be really patient. Wait for a symptom to mutate, there are only two possible symptoms that will show up, Insomnia or Hyper Salivation.
(In my experience, symptom mutation happens when I infected at least 5.5 billion people and most countries are infected. There are times when mutation happens sooner, if this happens it might be wise to consider evolving Horde Instinct and moving some zombie hordes to uninfected countries)

If Insomnia mutates, wait until you have 35 DNA then evolve the following:
  • Fever
  • Photophobia
  • Delirium
  • Cytopathic Reanimation
If Hyper Salivation mutates, wait until you have 52 DNA then evolve the following:
  • Polyphagia
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Cannibalism
  • Cytopathic Reanimation
After evolving Cytopathic Reanimation, zombies should now start appearing all over the world. At this point, you don't even have to worry about some silly cure, Z-Com is your enemy now.

Important: If Z-Com constructs a base at Greenland, Iceland, or Madagascar, evolve Horde Instict(maybe even Horde Mentality and Vocalisation) then send some zombies from a nearby country to head straight for their base. Here's a list of countries close to those I mentioned above:
  • Canada is close to Greenland
  • Sudan is close to Madagascar
  • Norway is close to Iceland
4.) After evolving Cytopathic Reanimation, evolve the following symptoms:
  • Anaerobic Resuscitation
  • Enhanced Motor Control
  • Peptide Surge
  • Acidic Reflux
  • Naja Mortis
  • Autothysis
  • Dermal Calcification
  • Cranial Elephantitis
  • Bone Dysplasia
  • Masticatory Tension
  • Anabolic Boost
  • Lumbrical Hypertrophy
You don't really have to get all symptoms mentioned above, especially if you chose to evolve Horde Instict. This is just the order I prefer to evolve symptoms since this makes zombies have combat advantages and added strength.

These were my stats on the last three games I played using this strategy:
1 - 954 days| 47% Cure Completion| 5/5 Biohazard
2- 1076days|100% Cure Completion| 4/5 Biohazard
3- 1377days| 25% Cure Completion| 5/5 Biohazard

I had some troubles in the second game since Z-Com established a base at Greenland and I waited too long to evolve Horde Instinct. Their base became strong enough the I needed to get additional abilities for my zombie army.

So that does it. I hope this guide has helped you beat Necroa Virus. If you have any questions, some tips and strategies, or just want to say some stuff go comment below. I'll be sure to include any good tips and strategies along with this guide. Happy Gaming!