
Plague Inc. Fungus Mega-Brutal Guide/ Walkthrough/ Strategy


It took me several games but I finally found a good strategy to beat fungus in mega-brutal difficulty. The main problem with this particular plague is that it, as the description says, struggles to transmit the plague through long distances. You'll have to rely on its unique abilities, Spore Burst and Eruption, to spread the fungus as quickly as possible. If you think you can spread this plague first then kill later, think again. Before you can even evolve a symptom, there's a high chance that it will be detected by random blood tests. It won't take long until that country starts a cure research which defeats the purpose of spreading it first.

After several failed games I have come to the conclusion that in order to beat this plague in mega-brutal you will have to rely on spore bursts and random symptom mutations. Spreading it fast is they key to beating this plague in this hellish difficulty. Genetic shifts will always be a problem but there's really nothing we can do about that.

Before I start with the guide, there's a few things I think I should warn you about. First, If your fungus plague fails to infect island countries such as Greenland and Madagascar and their harbors/ports are closed, you will have to start over. Second, Genetic Shifts randomizes the costs of DNA, there's a high chance that the costs would increase by a small amount or by a lot which is why it is strongly recommended that you evolve as soon as you can. Lastly, try to keep infectivity a lot higher than lethality until you infect the entire world, you won't want to kill infected people before they infect others, right?

Now onto the guide on how to beat fungus in mega-brutal difficulty. First things first, the gene setup:

  • ATP Boost
  • Teracyte
  • Patho-Stasis
  • Darwinist
  • Extremophile
1.) Start in China

2.) Evolve the following in this order:

  • Bird 1
  • Water 1
  • Bird 2
  • Water 2
  • Cold Resistance 1
  • Drug Resistance 1
  • Heat Resistance 1
  • Drug Resistance 2
  • Cold Resistance 2
  • Heat Resistance 2
  • Environmental Hardening 
3.) After evolving everything above, move on to evolving Spore Bursts
TIP: It would be a good idea to evolve six Spore Bursts then popping the red bubbles first before evolving Spore Eruption. This is simply because the red bubbles would disappear if you are unable to pop them in time.
  • Evolve six Spore Bursts then Spore Eruption. Do this twice then..
  • Evolve Spore Hardening
4.) Evolve the following symptoms in this order:(Skip the ones that are already mutated)
  • Rash
  • Sweating
  • Skin Lesions
  • Necrosis
  • Insomnia
  • Paranoia
  • Seizures
  • Insanity
  • Inflammation
  • Paralysis
  • Coma
5.) Before evolving the next two symptoms wait until the entire world is infected: (Not necessarily in this order, you can evolve whichever you want first)
  • Total Organ Failure
  • Hemorrhagic Shock
6.) Watch the world burn(or die from a fungus, whatever)

I played and won three games using this strategy. The only thing different with each game is the order which symptoms mutate. You'd want every symptom I listed to mutate to save some DNA but doesn't usually happen. The Cure completion would typically reach 50% on all my games, and it would take at least 700 days to eradicate humanity. On all three games I had only 4 out of 5 biohazards, If I ever find a better strategy than this one, I'll definitely update this one.

Alternate Strategies:

If you guys have any questions, tips, or other better strategies, please post them at the comments below. I'll include the good ones along with this guide. Happy Gaming!