After getting a good strategy going on Bacteria on Mega-Brutal difficulty, Virus seems so much easier(I happen to think so). I found two strategies that work well in this difficulty. In my opinion, the Virus' innate ability to cause faster mutations actually make it easier to beat it in mega-brutal. This is because mutations save you DNA which can be allocated elsewhere. Having the freedom to focus on transmissions early on because of these mutations makes your plague run so much easier.
But of course this ability to mutate has its disadvantages as well. Mutations are unpredictable and devolving symptoms isn't really an option while playing a Virus plague type(it costs a lot of DNA to devolve). This being said, mutations can work for or against you.
I'll post two strategies that I used to beat mega-brutal difficulty. It is completely up to you which one you'll use. The first strategy is geared towards utilizing mutations and letting your plague mutate freely while you focus on transmissions and abilities to infect the world faster. The second strategy is similar to the one I used to beat Bacteria in mega-brutal, it will shine more in Virus since mutations tend to work on your favor(most of the time).
Strategy 1
Gene Setup:
ATP Boost
Genetic Mimic
- Start in China
- Evolve Viral Instability 1, 2, and 3
- Evolve Water and Air 2 then Extreme Bioaerosol
- Evolve every transmission as soon as you can
- Evolve Drug, Heat, and Cold Resistance 2 then Environmental Hardening
- Evolve some Genetic Re-Shuffle if you feel you need to
- Wait for the entire world to get infected then proceed to evolve lethal symptoms
Strategy 2
Gene Setup:
ATP Boost
Genetic Mimic
- Start in China
- Evolve Water and Insect 1
- Evolve the following symptoms: Nausea, Coughing, Rash, Cysts, Anaemia, Vomiting, Pneumonia, Sneezing, Sweating, Hyper Sensitivity, Abscesses, and Haemophilia
- Evolve Water and Insect 2
- Evolve Cold, Heat, and Drug Resistance 2 then Environmental Hardening
- Evolve the following symptoms if they have not mutated yet: Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Skin Lesions, Pulmonary Oedema, and Necrosis
- Evolve Genetic Hardening 1 and 2
- Evolve these symptoms if they have not mutated: Insomnia, Paranoia, Seizures Insanity, Paralysis, and Coma
- Wait until everyone is infected by your plague, then evolve every lethal symptom you can
- Use Genetic Re-Shuffles if you think it's necessary
If you ask me, I think strategy 2 is better but it's all about preference really. I managed to get 5 Biohazards with both strategies and finish within 365 days.
Alternate Strategies
Alternate Strategies
If you've got any questions, tips, or another strategy you'd like to share go and post them at the comments below. I'll include any good tips and strategies along with this guide. Happy Gaming!