
Plague Inc. Bacteria Mega-Brutal Guide/ Walkthrough


After a lot of frustrating games, I was finally able to find a good strategy to beat Bacteria on Mega-Brutal difficulty. This mode is much harder than brutal. Mega-Brutal difficulty actually makes brutal difficulty seem like casual. This is mainly because of the the random events that happen while playing in Mega-Brutal. Random checks will always detect your virus even before you are able to evolve a single symptom. Genetic Shifts causes DNA costs of everything to fluctuate, which means the costs of evolution will increase or decrease randomly(In my experience, it increases most of the time).

I have tried this strategy over and over again to make sure it works and I can confidently say that it does, all the time. My average stats at the end of the game are 400+ days, 30~40% Cure Completion and 4/5 or 5/5 Biohazards.

Before we start the guide, I should let you know about the various things that could happen while playing at this super hard difficulty. First off, Your plague will most likely be detected early on even without any evolved symptoms, this is mainly because of the random blood tests a country conducts. Second, DNA costs will tend to increase without anything to warn you about it. Lastly, a lot of random events happen. Awareness days and countries closing itself off tend to happen a lot.

Let's begin.

Gene setup:
ATP Boost
Genetic Mimic

1.) Start in China

2.) Evolve these transmissions: Water 1 and Insect 1

3.) Evolve the following symptoms:

  • Nausea
  • Coughing
  • Rash
  • Cysts
  • Anaemia
  • Vomiting
  • Pneumonia
  • Sneezing
  • Sweating
  • Hyper Sensitivity
  • Abscesses
  • Haemophilia
4.) Continue to evolve these transmissions: Water 2 and Insect 2

5.) Evolve these symptoms if they haven't mutated yet:
  • Diarrhoea
  • Pulmonary Oedema
  • Skin Lesions
6.) Evolve the following abilities
  • Drug Resistance 1
  • Bacterial Resilience 1, 2, and 3
  • Drug Resistance 2
  • Genetic Hardening 1 and 2
7.) Back to symptoms, evolve these if they haven't mutated yet:
  • Insomnia
  • Paranoia
  • Seizures
  • Insanity
  • Paralysis
  • Coma
  • Necrosis
  • Dysentery (This one is optional, I sometimes evolve this to make infection faster. It's a bit lethal though)
8.) At this point you have to wait until the whole world is infected(a pop-up appears). This shouldn't take long. Evolve some Genetic Re-Shuffles if you feel the need to do so. I use all three of mine when the cure progress reaches 40%.

9.) After getting the "there's no one healthy left" pop-up, evolve every lethal symptom you possibly can. But by this point, you've probably already killed at least 80% of the population.

10.) Congratulations on beating Bacteria in Mega-Brutal difficulty.

There might be a chance that island countries such as Greenland and Madagascar close their ports/harbors. This makes it impossible to infect these countries. This never happens when I use this strategy, but on some rare occasion that it does happen just start your game over.

Alternate Strategies

If you want another strategy for this plague, here's a guide made for the Unknown Origin scenario.
Click Here.
It'll work for a normal game, since the unknown origin scenario is basically a normal game.

If you guys have any questions, tips, or some better strategies, post them at the comments below. I'll include the good ones I see along with this guide.


  1. I used this strategy on android and it worked like a charm on my first try! Thanks! =]

  2. Any way of beating this without Sympto-stasis? I've unlocked a lot of the genes, and I've beaten every plague type on every difficulty other than mega brutal, but still I've only got 63% of genes unlocked.

    Am I missing something here?

    1. You need to play and win some games to unlock more genes. 6 genes are exclusive only to the Necrosis plague, while the others can be unlocked by winning games on any plague. You get genes everytime you win games, I'm not sure if difficulty matter, though.

    2. Thanks, I've now managed to unlock all the main non necroa genes... And apparently no, difficulty doesn't matter. All unlocked playing Bacteria on casual over and over again.

      And now thanks to your guide, I've just won a really quick game on mega brutal. Brilliant! I never thought the DNA points would rack up so fast, and the plague go unnoticed for so long with all those scary symptoms!

  3. Worked wonderful! The only thing I had to change was I had to evolve blood transmission because Morocco of all places was uninfected right until the end. Combined with anemia and hemophilia, it was infected and wiped out fast. Thanks!

  4. Worked on first attempt too. Thanks.
    I had do evolve blood transmission because of Africa, but worked real fine

  5. Didn't work. The cure was done by the time I was evolving the last list of symptoms.

  6. It should be as easy to beat bacteria in real life

  7. it does not work if you do not have the right genes. the cure will get done faster and you will only get to step #7. I was devastated.

    1. Exactly same thing happened to me. I didn't have enough points to get genetic reshuffling, so the cure finished too fast

  8. Got it on the first try with the strategy, with 5 biohazards. Great guide.

  9. Never works. Iceland and madagascar ALWAYS close their ports.

  10. Beat it in 442 days, 24% cure, 5 biohazards, 167850 points and I had to change up a couple of the genes because I didn't have the ones you was requiring. Instead of Genetic Mimic, I used Darwinist. Instead of Extremophile, I used Xerophile.

  11. Twice now I've failed because of Morocco. MOROCCO. I just don't get it...

  12. I lost horrible walk thorough

  13. Hey, do you save the points until you can evolve everything from a step at once or do you evolve as soon as you can afford the next thing? I have to admit that I've tried both ways several times but the cure always beats me. :/

  14. With this strategy, you evolve abilities, transmissions, and symptoms as soon as you have the DNA.

    (I plan to update this strategy as soon as I move into scenarios that require the use of basic plagues.)

    Also, I think it's also important to state that this strategy was made on the mobile version of the game, iOS to be exact. I'm not sure if it will work on the PC version

  15. OMG, this is the most frustrating level. I have never had a problem with succeeding on brutal but Mega brutal is rediculous. I have been played so many different strategies over the past week,and finally gave up and came here. The one damn transmission combination I didn't do and its the the one. Thank you for posting this.

  16. You're welcome! Mega-Brutal is definitely ridiculous, and if you think basic plagues are hard, wait until scenarios like black death and nipah on mega-brutal.

  17. I need a favor I'm stuck on some senarios I have 75% complete. I need you to stopwhat ever scenario you're stuck on and move on to another. Work on the others or the blood from my brain will be on your hands. I'm kidding but seriously move on. :)

  18. It Does ;) Well written guide.

  19. Didnt work for me :( got stuck with 4 healthy countries New Zealand/Greenland/Iceland and Madagascar

  20. Every country usually gets infected at 50% cure :(, anyway to fix that?

  21. It didn't work the first time for me because everyone that was infected in Greenland died before the disease could spread.

  22. lol i almost dont make it because of morroco... it was the last country to get infected xD

  23. Hah. Same as Mike. >_^

  24. It works the frist time I tried it :) but I had to redevelop some symptoms becaus they kill to fast.

  25. I completed it but only got one biohazard and a score of 87 any reason why that might be?

  26. I evolve bird 1 (2 also good) to get over their closed borders then Blood 1 so it spreads fast enough that they don't die faster then infection

  27. ure moroco mine is algeria.
    i have to devolve my lethal symtoms because it havent been infected.
    but i win anyway :P

  28. works for me :)
    but your bio-weapon doesn't
    so i have to create a new strategy :P
    but the other post work great :D

  29. Instead of genetic reshuffle I bought maxed out cold and heat resistance because I too almost killed everyone before I infected everyone, mainly in Africa like you said, reshuffle wasn't even necessary with this guide as I only got to 33% cure before the die off stopped progress

  30. Hello. Thanks man. It worked from the first try. 397 days, 29% cure, 170070 points and 5 biohazards. Thank you so much.

  31. 470 days with this strat for a score of 123,760, cure at 27%.

  32. I can never get 5 stars. Only 4. Don't know why, my cure gets to 35% +/- and it takes me around 480 days do win :|

  33. Unbelievable, 180300 // 348 days // 28% Complete // 5 Bio's First Try. I'm really quite floored. Morocco was my pain in the ass too.

  34. I found a surprise soloution. I was goofing around getting the most infectious symptoms (diohrea dysentry skin liesons blah blah blah) and i infected most of the world exept africa. Also i got both drug resistence. I also got water 1&2 to get to iceland and stuff. At last i got bird or insect 1 to surprise africa so they had no resistance to that, instant infection instant death. Btw i evolved any random lethal stuff

  35. Flavia Auditore da FirenzeAugust 13, 2014 at 10:03 AM

    I wonder why, because the initial symptoms raised Infectivity high enough to infect people faster than they die. If it helps, try holding off on the deadlier symptoms.

  36. This would work, but I have no genes.

  37. 409 days in plague inc evolved!! wtf! nice stradegy :)))

  38. Following this guide without having extremphile proved to be impossible for me. Anyone knows how do I unlock it?? I just can't get the points to buy genetic reshuffle, so the cure comes rather fast.

  39. You can unlock genes by playing(and winning) games over and over again.

    A tactic most players seem to use is to quit a game before winning, then loading the same game and finishing, then loading that game again.

    Apparently, you're save file remains intact even though you've successfully finished a game; Allowing you to unlock several genes at once. Personally, I haven't tried this yet.

    Long story short, play game, win game.

  40. greenland need to be more considerate and let me infect them :(

  41. damn greenland, i prefer tactics were u stay hidden n dont evolve symptoms till reaserch starts on the cure. Tho this strat seems sound with a bit of luck on the ships

  42. Same 1000 people left in Algeria whole world dead barely made it in

  43. yeah so I followed all your steps and about at point 5 or 6 I lost it..so nice try but doesnt work

  44. 436 days. 34% Cure & 110420 points. Five biohazard.
    Totally Works!

  45. Thanks so much! Awesome walkthrough!!

  46. Perfect! 371 days, 21% cure, 5/5 biohazards

  47. Failed the first time. 2nd time I remembered to devolve most lethal, and be sure to add cold 1 and 2. Got stuck infecting Iceland until I did that.

  48. Didn't work. The cure research still beat me.

  49. Tried 3 times, doesnt get me even close to beating the game. Trash.

  50. You say to evolve all those things like it's nothing. Where do you get all the gene points from?!

  51. I could beat every pathogen on brutal without reading on web/ watching a video walkthrough etc. But on MegaBrutal I could beat only Virus. This helped a lot. First try win. Cure 40% 400 days. You don't need to evolve genetic reshuffles and the bacterial shells. You need just cold I and II and heat II, also I don't know why do u evolved insomnia later

  52. My Disease gets cured before I can kill everyone because I have yet to unlock the Genetic Mimic gene, anyone know how to get it?

  53. Thanks for this. Worked first try except everyone started dying too fast. Lol. No biggie though. After step 7 while waiting for everyone to become infected the death rate was so high cure progress was almost at a standstill so it wasn't necessary to invest in genetic reshuffle but not everyone was infected yet so I invested all my points into transmission. And just waited for everyone to die once they were infected

  54. Try completing Virus on Casual, it's easy, so you'll unlock genes faster.

  55. Flavia Auditore da FirenzeDecember 27, 2014 at 11:44 PM

    Play Bacteria/Virus on Casual repeatedly, your genes will be unlocked one by one.

  56. Flavia Auditore da FirenzeDecember 27, 2014 at 11:45 PM

    Insomnia slows down cure progress slightly.

  57. Strategy worked spot on for me, even ended up with highest score so far. Perfect

  58. First attempt and Success... Cure only at 22% Days 436 and had 70 DNA left over

  59. it worked! :D
    399 days, 31% cure, score: 144450, 5/5 biohaz

  60. Sweden and Morocco refuses to be infected. Either one of them or both. WTF

  61. i chose the same as you NamelessAcquired, worked like a charm. i got 29% cure progress. and killed it=)

  62. good guide, i changed nr 6 with 7 and took the symptoms first and added heat and cold resistance 1, 2 and environmental hardening instead of genetic re-shuffle. ended with 29% cure, 352days, score 152670 and 5 biohazard

  63. Guess I got lucky. Did it first game didn't have some of the same genes but beat it 561 days 43% cure though

  64. I almost had the same problem it closed its boat port just as a boat went their

  65. or just do bacteria on casual.

  66. Here's my playthrough with 5 biohazads.


  67. 122270 points, 5 stars 23% cure and 476 days. Thanks mate.
