
Plague Inc. Fungus Brutal Guide / Walkthrough

The Fungus plague is the 3rd unlock-able plague. It is unlocked by finishing the Virus plague in either normal or brutal difficulty(Virus Brutal guide here). The Fungus plague is very hard to transmit on ships and airplanes, look at its description. But like every other plague it has its own unique abilities, these abilities are Spore Hardening, Spore Eruption, and Spore Burst. So what do these abilities do exactly? Well since the fungus has a hard time spreading to other places via ships and planes, these abilities let you infect a new country simply by evolving them. Each Spore burst infects a new country, an eruption infects a handful of countries, and hardening lets your fungal spores hang around in the air to infect other countries easier. In order to get Spore Eruption you need to evolve Spore Burst 6 times going in a complete circle in a counter-clockwise direction. Spore Hardening is unlocked by evolving two Spore Eruptions. Because of the fungus' apparent weakness in transmission, use these abilities to your advantage

Unlike the previous guides where I didn't use genes, In this one I am going to use them. Why? Because without the use of genes my success rate is completely random and I can't seem to find a sure way of finishing without the use of genes.

You could still experiment with the gene setup though, although I highly recommend using "Patho-Stasis". This particular gene stops the increase of DNA costs of abilities which we're heavily relying on. It will keep Spore Burst costs at 1 DNA.

Let's get started.

My gene setup:

Metabolic Jump - You can experiment with this, I only chose to use this gene so every red and orange bubble is automatically popped. When using the fungus' spore abilities, the red bubbles show up immediately all at once and I tend to have a hard time pressing them all.
Suppression -  Helps the plague spread through country borders. Self-explanatory.
Patho-Stasis - See explanation above.
Genetic Mimic - Either this or Creationist. I had this one on to keep cure rate at a minimum
Hydrophile - I'm not really sure which gene I should put here. This one is completely random

Start the plague in China

  • High population, an airport and a port, and because starting a world-ending plague in China seems realistic.
Evolve the following abilities in this order:
  • Water and Air Transmission 1
  • Drug, Heat, and Cold Resistance 1
  • Go crazy on spore burst and keep evolving them until you get Spore Hardening
  • Drug, Heat, and Cold Resistance 2
  • Environmental Hardening
Now, we wait for the whole world to be infected by the Fungus. While waiting, keep devolving any symptom that mutates. 
  • If some chance you come across the world being all red and your infected counter stops moving but you haven't seen the "no one is healthy" pop-up. Don't worry, it's probably because a calamity(Tsunami, earthquake,etc.) has killed some people. If this happens, just continue on when the counter stops moving and the world is completely red
Once everyone is infected by our fungus, it's time to evolve some symptoms:
  • What you want is to have Total organ failure, Coma, and Insanity.(Maybe even Necrosis)
  • This is what I had Coughing, Pneumonia, Pulmonary Oedema, Pulmonary Fibrosis, Total Organ Failure, Coma, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Insanity, Seizures
  • Basically, you'd want your plague to be as fatal as possible since everyone in the world is already infected.
After getting the necessary symptoms for your Fungus plague, start allocating your DNA towards Genetic Re-shuffles to lessen the cure rate. I think that by doing this you'll get a much higher score.

Anyway, just watch everyone die from a fungus.

Here's my stats when I finished.
852 days
23% cure progress
4/5 Biohazard

If you guys have any tips or better way of finishing fungus in brutal difficulty, post them on the comments below and I'll give them a try. I'll include the ones that work in the guide.