My strategy isn't quite perfected yet since it only nets me a 4/5 biohazard score, but I always win the games I played using this strategy(4 out of 4 games won to be exact). I'll be working on a better strategy after completing other guides I got lined up. This one works well enough to be posted so here it goes.
While I was experimenting on strategies to use in Parasite, there was one particular problem I'd encounter. I tend to miss infecting one or two countries, Greenland and Madagascar are always the most common non-infected countries. With this strategy, I was always able to infect every country in every game I did which is why I decided to post it. My typical stats with this strategy is as follows: between 500~600 days, 40~60% Cure Completion, and a 4/5 Biohazard score(sometimes 3/5).
It is recommended that you evolve the transmission, symptoms and abilities stated as soon as you have the DNA to do so. Without further ado, the guide.
Gene Setup
- ATP Boost
- Aquacyte
- Sympto-Stasis
- Genetic Mimic
- Extremophile
1.) Start in China
2.) Evolve Rash, Sweating, and Skin Lesions
3.) Evolve Transmission Water 1 and 2
4.) Evolve Necrosis
5.) Evolve Drug Resistance 1 and 2 followed by Cold and Heat Resistance 1 and 2, finally evolve Enviromental Hardening
6.) Evolve the following symptoms: Insomnia, Paranoia, Seizures, Insanity, Inflammation, Paralysis, and Coma
7.) Evolve Genetic Hardening 1 and 2
8.) When the whole world is infected, evolve Total Organ Failure
9.) Extra DNA should be used to evolve some Genetic Re-Shuffles.
There you go, I hope this guide helped you conquer Parasite in mega-brutal difficulty. You might have a hard time getting the DNA to evolve once you reach step 7, this may be because of the Genetic Shifts that randomly happen, don't worry though you'll still kill people fast enough without Total Organ Failure although you might finish with a higher cure completion.
Alternate Strategies:
If you guys have any questions, tips, or a better strategy post them at the comments below. I'll include the good ones I see along with this guide.Happy gaming!