I'll be posting two strategies that worked for me. These two strategies don't guarantee a 100% win but they will work. I will post the second one after some more tries. Several factors, such as events and genetic shifts, affect your chances of winning. One thing I noticed with all my play-throughs is that a country seems to detect the plague once it's totally infected. Immediately right after detecting your Necroa Virus, they will start making a cure. From there, it'll start getting hard to infect countries since it won't take long until WHO decides to raise the plague's threat level which makes countries close down their harbors and airports.
What I decided to go for in terms of strategy is to let the plague freely mutate the symptoms for me. This helps me focus on transmission and abilities at the start and also saves DNA that you'll really need once you start making zombies appear. I really dislike moving zombie hordes around but both strategies require you to do just that. Island countries will be a pain to infect, I was only able to infect every country in 3 or 5 games I played. I tried to imitate strategies I used that caused total world infection but I wasn't able to. I therefore concluded that those times were pure luck.
If this strategy didn't work for you, try these alternate strategies:
Necroa Virus: Mega-Brutal Quick Finish Guide Featured Comment Below this post.
All those things aside, let's begin with the guide:
Strategy 1:
Gene Setup:
- Metabolic Hijack
- Aquacyte
- Spliced Activation
- Darwinist
- Extremophile
1.) Start in China, then evolve these transmissions as soon as you can:
- Zoonotic Shift
- Rodent 1
- Insect 1
- Bat 1
- Bird 1
- Segmented Genome
2.) Now wait until one of these two things happen:
- Cytopathic Reanimation mutates or..
- Cure progression reaches 75%
3.) Once one of these two things happen, evolve the following symptoms:
- Cytopathic Reanimation(If it has not mutated yet)
- Anaerobic Resuscitation
- Enhanced Motor Control
- Peptide Surge
- Horde Instinct
- Structured Travel
- Dyskinetic Movement
- Echopraxia
- Engorged Quadriceps
- Drifting Fermentation
- Horde Mentality
- Horde Vocalisation
- Horde Pheromones
- Regenerative Activation
4.) After evolving the last symptom, start to drag zombie hordes to uninfected island countries. Countries you should take notice of are:
- New Zealand
- Caribbean
- Greenland
- Iceland
- Madagascar
- Philippines
- Japan
Important: Always keep an eye on Island countries. If there are no zombies nearby, use Regenerative Activation to make some rise from the dead then move those zombies to your target country.
You might also want to infect island countries as soon as possible to remove the chance of Z-Com establishing a base there. Move zombies from one country to another if there are no zombie infesting a nearby country leading to an island country.
5.) While moving millions of zombies around, it would be wise to keep evolving some symptoms:
- Acidic Reflux
- Dermal Calcification
- Naja Mortis
- Cranial Elephantitis
- Autothysis
- Bone Dysplasia
- Masticatory Tension
6.) From here on it would be best to keep moving zombies around to destroy countries faster. Prioritize on sending hordes of zombies to Z-Com bases to prevent them from upgrading or establishing other country bases.
I haven't been able to get a 5 out 5 biohazard score using this strategy yet. But I do hope that this helped you defeat Necroa Virus in mega-brutal difficulty. I'll link the second strategy here once I perfect it. If you've go any tips or other strategies to beat this plague. Share them with us! Happy Spicy gaming!