Nano-Virus (under 200) (current record: 187 days)
When you find a word written several times between square brackets "[ ]", it means that, depending on the development of the game, the player will have to choose to evolve that symptom / transmission / ability in one of the locations of that word.
1) Gene setup:
• ATP Boost
• Darwinist
• Native Biome
• Sympto-Stasis
• Extremophile
2) Start in Saudi Arabia
3) Pause the game right after the speed run pop up appears and evolve simultaneously:
• Coughing
• Cysts
• Hyper Sensitivity
• Insomnia
• Paranoia
• Rash
• Sweating
4) Continue the game evolving:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Pneumonia
- Sneezing
- Abscesses
- Anaemia
- Haemophilia
- Paralysis (at the same time of Haemophilia)
- Coma (at the same time of Haemophilia)
- Water and Insect 1
- Skin Lesions
- Diarrhoea
- Water and Insect 2
- Drug Resistance 1 and 2
- Cold Resistance 1 and 2
- Seizures
- Insanity
- Necrosis
- Dysentery
- Livestock 1 and 2
- Fever
- Systemic Infection
- Tumors
- Bird 1 and 2
- Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Heat Resistance 1
- Total Organ Failure
- Tumors
- Internal Haemorraging
- Pulmonary Oedema
- Heat Resistance 2
- Eviormental Hardening
- Haemorragic Shock
- Immuno Suppression
- Inflammation
- Air 1 [and 2]