
Plague Inc. Tips: Pop-up Events

Events greatly affect your plague's chances of success in killing the whole world. Some are good, some are bad, and some are just plain unfair. There are unique scenario events, achievement events, and just plain random events that happen every game. In this post, I'll be listing down the random events that could happen in every game.

First of all, I might not be able to list down every single event that could happen in a Plague Inc. game, so if you think I've missed something crucial to this post, please comment below and I'll update this as soon as I can.

Let's begin.

Airplane/Ship Sterilisation
Airplane or Ship Sterilization
This event appears at random games at random times, it could appear as early as the first infection or as late as when you've already infected the entire world. Simply put, it lessens the rate in which your plague can transmit through ships or planes(whichever the event randomly chooses). It's very easily countered by evolving Air 1 for airplane sterilization, and Water 1 for ship sterilization.

awareness days
Awareness day
This event often randomly appears after your plague has been spotted. What this event does is boost the rate of the cure progression. Countries will put much more money into the development of the cure, thus making it progress faster than usual. If you get this event in a mega-brutal game of the Small Pox scenario, it's basically game over. The best counter measure for this event is to evolve some cure-slowing symptoms(Insomnia, Coma, etc.) or Genetic Hardening.

Watchlist Placement
Being placed on WHO watch list.
This event appears at random times, and is most likely to appear if your plague is spreading the infection while being lethal at the same time. This event makes every country on the map close their borders and shutdown their harbors and airports earlier than they usually do. There are currently no counter measures for this event. Greenland and the other island countries are laughing at your misfortune.

Threat Level Increase
WHO - threat level increase
Random event that, when combined with 'watch list placement', causes the immediate closing of borders and any other point-of-entries. Like watch list placement, there are no counters for this event. Usually it appears right after the 'watch list placement' event. I think it also increases the rate of cure progression, while at the same time causes the closing of airports, harbors, and borders. Greenland will be completely out of reach if this happens.

Festival of Love
This event, although random, is actually a good thing. It increases the infection rate in the country stated at the event pop-up. I'm not entirely sure, but I think having the Nausea symptom evolved further increases the effectiveness of this event

Aide for poor countries
Random event that does pretty much nothing except slightly reducing your plague's infectivity in poor countries.

Rich country, health guidelines
This event slows down the infection rate in rich countries. Without Drug Resistance abilities, rich country infection will be extremely slow.

Migration of Birds expected
I'm not completely sure, but I think you need the Bird 1 transmission to successfully trigger this event. There are two pop-ups that should happen, but the second pop-up only appears if you have Bird 1(or 2?) evolved. This event boosts the Bird transmission and lets you infect other countries through land transmission much sooner.

Mazian added this info about the Migration of birds event:
Migration of Birds Expected requires Bird 1 to proc. You only benefit from it if you develop Bird 2 after receiving this alert. It's one of those random events that it is sometimes worth waiting for it to proc before you advance to Bird 2, because it can cause cross-border infections even over closed borders (unless the target country has already started exterminating pigeons... which is one of those country-level responses to infection.)
Climate-related events
These events appear at random times and they affect the infection rate on applicable countries. These events are "Increased rainfall in Humid countries", "New dry winds in Arid countries", "Hot countries getting hotter", and "Cold countries getting colder". To counter these events evolve Air 1 for Arid, Water 1 for Humid, Heat Resistance for Hot, and Cold Resistance for cold countries. These events might appear altogether in some games, although the chances of that happening are quite rate. Special thanks to Johanson for pointing out that I've missed this event.

I apologize for the lack of event screenshots for the few remaining events. If there are any other event you might have information about, please share them with us by posting them in the comments section or by directly sending them to us via our submit section.


  1. Increased rainfall in humid countries/ New dry winds in arid countries.
    Hot countries getting hotter/ Cold countries getting colder.

  2. Migration of Birds Expected requires Bird 1 to proc. You only benefit from it if you develop Bird 2 after receiving this alert. It's one of those random events that it is sometimes worth waiting for it to proc before you advance to Bird 2, because it can cause cross-border infections even over closed borders (unless the target country has already started exterminating pigeons... which is one of those country-level responses to infection.)

  3. Forgot about this one. Thanks for pointing this out!

  4. for the festival of love:
    having the Nausea symptom evolved greatly increases the number of infected after the the event. exemple: without Nausea, having 100 people infected, after the event you will have 200 infected, with the Nausea you will have 600 infected after the event. So, having Nausea can boost your infection at an early stage.

  5. I've definitely had the migration birds event without having evolved birds 1.

  6. I have had the bird proc without having ANY of the bird advancements before it happens. I've been playing this since release on iPhone.

  7. I have also had this event, in multiple games, without Bird 1.

  8. An event I just had: "Scientists increase understanding of tumors".

    Basically I was told that having the symptom tumors will cause the cure to be researched faster. Unsure if this event pops up with other symptoms.

  9. Confirmed: This event randomly picks a symptom, and when you evolve that symptom the "scientists use the knowledge" to increase cure progress.
    Event pop up:
    When the certain symptom evolves:

  10. It's basically game over on brutal/mega brutal if your plague evolves the symptom. Only chance to win is by already being in 'late game stage'.
