Spicy's Comments: Remember to comment and give some feedback for the guide's improvement!
Gene setup:
- Metabolic Jump
- Aerocyte
- Sympto-Stasis
- Genetic Mimic
- Extremophile
2.) Evolve the following symptom + Transmission (Follow from top to bottom by sequence ):
- Concertina Locomotion [Transmission]
- Neural Breach
- Cerebral Tendrils
- Frontal Mesh
- Undulatory locomotion [Transmission]
- Perceptive jolt
- Occipital mesh
- Genetic Swap
- Corpse Feeder 1
- Corpse Feeder 2
- Mutative Regeneration 1
- Air 1, Water 1 [Transmission]
- Cold 1 & 2 and Drug Resistance 1
- Perceptive Shift
- Immaturity
- Mania
- Obsession
- Aggression
- Insanity
- Air 2 & Water 2
6) Again , no need to wait for the entire world to get infected.Evolving these Symptom for phase 3 (Follow from top to bottom by sequence ) :
- Cognitive Scrambling
- Schizophrenia
- Devotion
- Akinetopsia
- Transcendence
After evolving the final symptom, you get some pop-ups then Congratulations! you enslaved humanity!