First of all, thank you all for the support you've been showing for my blog. I really appreciate it, especially those who constantly submit guides and comment on guides to help other people out(Yes, I check every single comment posted here).
If you've noticed, I haven't been really playing Plague Inc. for some time now, most of the recent posts are submitted guides from awesome people. Thing is, I've been very busy with real-life stuff. Although Plague Inc is still installed in my phone, It drains the battery so fast I can't even finish one game--Even a cheat-enabled game will drain the battery so fast, I don't even see the victory screen.
Excuses aside, I'm wondering if there's anyone, at all, who's willing to continue writing guides for Plague Inc.? Because I'm planning to start some new guides for a game I'm playing(It's an Idle game, because of the genre and nature of the game, I can play it while working).
If you're one of the guys willing to help this blog out, then please-please-please send me an email at or We'll talk about the details there.
Again, Thank you, everyone, for the continued support of Yo! It's Spicy.
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